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About us

Founded in 1991 the Tourist board of the Weissenfelser Land has about 80 members including gastronomy, the hotel sector and private accommodation as well as towns like Weissenfels, Luetzen and Hohenmoelsen.


In our visitor centres in Weissenfels and Hohenmoelsen we advise our guests on sights and activities in our region. Our friendly team is more than happy to arrange guided tours as well as to arrange accommodation for your stay. Additionally we inform you about events and cultural activities.

We offer a wide range of flyers and leaflets, books, gifts, maps and tickets for various events. 


Our offering:

accommodation bookings

guided tours

insider tips for your holiday

souvenirs and gifts


visitor centre Weissenfels

Markt 1

06667 Weissenfels


Telephon: +49 (0)3443/ 303070

Fax: +49 (0)3443/ 239472





Opening hours:

Monday - Friday 9 am – 6 pm 

Saturday 9 am – 12 am